Source code for glyph.cli.glyph_remote

import concurrent.futures
import copy
import enum
import itertools
import json
import logging
import os
import random
from functools import partial
from queue import Queue
from threading import Thread
from time import sleep


import yaml

import sympy
import zmq
from deprecated import deprecated
from cache import DBCache
from scipy.optimize._minimize import _minimize_neldermead as nelder_mead

import glyph.application
import glyph.utils
from glyph._version import get_versions
from glyph.assessment import const_opt, complexity_measures
from glyph.cli._parser import *  # noqa
from import constrain
from import _constant_normal_form, add_sc, pretty_print, sc_mmqout, simplify_this
from import ProgressObserver
from glyph.utils import partition, key_set
from glyph.utils.argparse import *  # noqa
from glyph.utils.break_condition import break_condition
from glyph.utils.logging import print_params, load_config

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def get_version_info(): version = get_versions()["version"] return f"Version {version}"
[docs]class ExperimentProtocol(enum.EnumMeta): """Communication Protocol with remote experiments.""" CONFIG = "CONFIG" EXPERIMENT = "EXPERIMENT" METADATA = "METADATA" SHUTDOWN = "SHUTDOWN"
[docs]class Communicator: def __init__(self, ip, port): """Holds the socket for 0mq communication. Args: ip: ip of the client port: port of the client """ self._socket = zmq.Context.instance().socket(zmq.REQ) self.ip = ip self.port = port
[docs] def connect(self): address = f"tcp://{self.ip}:{self.port}" logger.debug(f"Connecting to experiment on {address}") self._socket.connect(address)
[docs] def send(self, msg, serializer=json): logger.log(logging.NOTSET, msg) self._socket.send(serializer.dumps(msg).encode("ascii"))
[docs] def recv(self, serializer=json): msg = serializer.loads(self._socket.recv().decode("ascii")) logger.log(logging.NOTSET, msg) return msg
[docs]class RemoteApp(glyph.application.Application):
[docs] def run(self, break_condition=None): """For details see application.Application. Will checkpoint and close zmq connection on keyboard interruption. """ try: super().run(break_condition=break_condition) except KeyboardInterrupt:"Received KeyboardInterrupt. Trying checkpointing.") self.checkpoint() finally: zmq.Context.instance().destroy()
[docs] @classmethod def from_checkpoint(cls, file_name, com): """Create application from checkpoint file.""" cp = glyph.application.load(file_name) args = cp["args"] gp_runner = cp["runner"] gp_runner.assessment_runner = RemoteAssessmentRunner( com, complexity_measure=args.complexity_measure, method=args.const_opt_method, options=args.options, caching=args.caching, simplify=args.simplify, persistent_caching=args.persistent_caching, chunk_size=args.chunk_size, multi_objective=args.multi_objective, send_symbolic=args.send_symbolic, reevaluate=args.re_evaluate, ) app = cls(args, gp_runner, file_name, cp["callbacks"]) app.pareto_fronts = cp["pareto_fronts"] app._initialized = True pset = build_pset_gp(args.primitives, args.structural_constants, args.sc_min, args.sc_max) Individual.pset = pset random.setstate(cp["random_state"]) return app
[docs] def checkpoint(self): """Checkpoint current state of evolution.""" runner = copy.deepcopy(self.gp_runner) del runner.assessment_runner self.checkpoint_file, args=self.args, runner=runner, random_state=random.getstate(), pareto_fronts=self.pareto_fronts, callbacks=self.callbacks, )
[docs]def handle_const_opt_config(args): smart_options = { "use":, "kw": { "threshold": args.smart_threshold, "step_size": args.smart_step_size, "min_stat": args.smart_min_stat, }, } options = {"maxfev": args.max_fev_const_opt, "smart_options": smart_options} if args.const_opt_method == "hill_climb": options["directions"] = args.directions options["precision"] = args.precision options["target"] = else: options["xatol"] = 10.0 ** (-args.precision) options["fatol"] = args.options = options return args
[docs]def const_opt_options_transform(options): leastsq_options = dict() leastsq_options["xtol"] = options["xatol"] leastsq_options["ftol"] = options["fatol"] leastsq_options["max_nfev"] = options["maxfev"] return leastsq_options
[docs]def update_namespace(ns, up): """Update the argparse.Namespace ns with a dictionairy up.""" return argparse.Namespace(**{**vars(ns), **up})
[docs]def handle_gpconfig(config, com): """Will try to load config from file or from remote and update the cli/default config accordingly.""" if config.cfile: with open(config.cfile, "r") as cf: gpconfig = yaml.load(cf) elif config.remote: com.send(dict(action=ExperimentProtocol.CONFIG)) gpconfig = com.recv() else: gpconfig = {} return update_namespace(config, gpconfig)
[docs]def build_pset_gp(primitives, structural_constants=False, cmin=-1, cmax=1): """Build a primitive set used in remote evaluation. Locally, all primitives correspond to the id() function. """ if any(x in primitives for x in ["add", "mul"]): logger.warning("Some primitive names may be incompatible with sympy related features.") pset ="main", arity=0) pset.constants = set() for fname, arity in primitives.items(): if arity > 0: func = lambda *args: args pset.addPrimitive(func, arity, name=fname) elif arity == 0: pset.addTerminal(fname, name=fname) pset.arguments.append(fname) else: pset.addTerminal(fname, name=fname) pset.constants.add(fname) if len(pset.terminals) == 0: raise RuntimeError("Pset needs at least one terminal node. You may have forgotten to specify it.") if structural_constants: f = partial(sc_mmqout, cmin=cmin, cmax=cmax) pset = add_sc(pset, f) return pset
[docs]class EvalQueue(Queue): def __init__(self, com, result_queue, expect): = com self.result_queue = result_queue self.expect = expect super().__init__()
[docs] def run(self, chunk_size=100): payloads = [] keys = [] def process(keys, payload_meta): payload, meta = zip(*payload_meta) logger.debug(f"Send {len(payload)} payloads.") if any(meta):, payload=payload, meta=meta)) else:, payload=payload)) fitnesses =["fitness"] logger.debug(f"Received {len(fitnesses)} fitness values.") for key, fit in zip(keys, fitnesses): logger.log(logging.NOTSET, "Writing result for key: {}".format(key)) self.result_queue[key] = fit while self.expect > 0: key_payload_meta = self.get() if key_payload_meta is None: self.expect -= 1 if self.expect == 0: break else: key, payload_meta = key_payload_meta if key not in self.result_queue: logger.log(logging.NOTSET, "Queueing key: {}".format(key)) payloads.append(payload_meta) keys.append(key) if len(payloads) == min(self.expect, chunk_size): process(keys, payloads) payloads = [] keys = [] if payloads: process(keys, payloads)
def _no_const_opt(func, ind): return None, func(ind)
[docs]class RemoteAssessmentRunner: def __init__( self, com, complexity_measure=None, multi_objective=False, method="Nelder-Mead", options={"smart_options": {"use": False}}, caching=True, persistent_caching=None, simplify=False, chunk_size=30, send_symbolic=False, reevaluate=False, ): """Contains assessment logic. Uses zmq connection to request evaluation.""" = com self.complexity_measure = complexity_measures.get(complexity_measure, None) self.multi_objective = multi_objective self.caching = caching self.cache = {} if persistent_caching is None else DBCache("glyph-remote", persistent_caching) self.make_str = (lambda i: str(simplify_this(i))) if simplify else str self.result_queue = {} self.send_symbolic = send_symbolic self.reevaluate = reevaluate self.evaluations = 0 self.chunk_size = chunk_size if chunk_size > 30: logger.warning("Chunk size may cause performance issues.") if not self.send_symbolic: self.options = options self.method = {"hill_climb": glyph.utils.numeric.hill_climb}.get(method, nelder_mead) self.smart_options = options.get("smart_options") if self.smart_options["use"]: self.method = glyph.utils.numeric.SlowConversionTerminator( glyph.utils.numeric.hill_climb, **self.smart_options["kw"] ) if self.multi_objective: self.const_optimizer = partial( const_opt, lsq=True, **const_opt_options_transform(self.options) ) else: self.const_optimizer = partial(const_opt, method=self.method, options=self.options) else: self.const_optimizer = _no_const_opt
[docs] def predicate(self, ind): """Does this individual need to be evaluated?""" return self.caching and self._hash(ind) in self.cache
def _hash(self, ind): return json.dumps([self.make_str(t) for t in ind])
[docs] def evaluate_single(self, individual, *consts, meta=None): """Evaluate a single individual.""" payload = [self.make_str(t) for t in individual] if not self.send_symbolic: payload = [pretty_print(s, individual.pset.constants, consts) for s in payload] key = sum(map(hash, payload)) # constants may have been simplified, not in payload anymore. else: variables = [sympy.Symbol(s) for s in Individual.pset.arguments] normal_form = [_constant_normal_form(sympy.sympify(p), variables=variables) for p in payload] key = sum(map(hash, normal_form)) self.queue.put((key, (payload, meta))) self.evaluations += 1 result = None while result is None: sleep(0.1) result = self.result_queue.get(key) return result
[docs] def measure(self, individual, meta=None): """Construct fitness for given individual.""" popt, error = self.const_optimizer(self.evaluate_single, individual, f_kwargs=dict(meta=meta)) if not self.multi_objective: error = (error,) self.queue.put(None) individual.popt = popt if self.complexity_measure: fitness = *error, sum(map(self.complexity_measure, individual)) else: fitness = error return fitness
[docs] def update_fitness(self, population, meta=None): self.evaluations = 0 meta = meta or {} if self.reevaluate: for p in population: del invalid = [p for p in population if not] calculate, cached = map(list, partition(self.predicate, invalid)) cached_fitness = [self.cache[self._hash(ind)] for ind in cached] calculate_duplicate_free = key_set(calculate, key=self._hash) # if we have duplicates in the calculate list, dont calculate these more than once. dup_free_cache = {} n = len(calculate_duplicate_free) if n > 0: # main work is done here n_workers = min(n, self.chunk_size) # start queue and the broker self.queue = EvalQueue(, self.result_queue, n) thread = Thread(, args=(n_workers,)) thread.start() with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=n_workers) as exe: for k, future in zip( calculate_duplicate_free,, meta=meta), calculate_duplicate_free), ): dup_free_cache[self._hash(k)] = future thread.join() del self.queue calculate_fitness = [dup_free_cache[self._hash(k)] for k in calculate] else: calculate_fitness = [] if self.caching: # save to cache for key, fit in zip(map(self._hash, calculate), calculate_fitness): self.cache[key] = fit # assign fitness to individuals for ind, fit in zip(cached + calculate, cached_fitness + calculate_fitness): = fit if self.reevaluate or not self.caching: self.result_queue = {} return self.evaluations
def __call__(self, population, meta=None): meta = meta or {} return self.update_fitness(population, meta=meta) @property @deprecated(reason="Use instead.", version="0.3.7") def send(self): """Backwards compatibility""" return @property @deprecated(reason="Use instead.", version="0.3.7") def recv(self): """Backwards compatibility""" return
[docs]class Individual( pass
[docs]class NDTree( base = Individual def __hash__(self): return hash(hash(x) for x in self)
[docs]def make_callback(factories, args): return tuple(factory(args) for factory in factories)
[docs]def make_remote_app(callbacks=(), callback_factories=(), parser=None): parser = parser or get_parser() args, _ = parser.parse_known_args() if isinstance(parser, Parser): if hasattr(args, "gui") and args.gui: if GUI_AVAILABLE: parser = get_parser(get_gooey()) else: raise ValueError(GUI_UNAVAILABLE_MSG) args = parser.parse_args() com = Communicator(args.ip, args.port) com.connect() workdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(args.checkpoint_file)) if not os.path.exists(workdir): raise RuntimeError('Path does not exist: "{}"'.format(workdir)) glyph.utils.logging.load_config( config_file=args.logging_config, level=getattr(logging, args.verbosity), placeholders=dict(workdir=workdir) ) if args.resume_file is not None: logger.debug("Loading checkpoint {}".format(args.resume_file)) app = RemoteApp.from_checkpoint(args.resume_file, com) else: args = handle_const_opt_config(handle_gpconfig(args, com)) try: pset = build_pset_gp(args.primitives, args.structural_constants, args.sc_min, args.sc_max) except AttributeError: raise AttributeError("You need to specify the pset") assessment_runner = RemoteAssessmentRunner( com, method=args.const_opt_method, options=args.options, complexity_measure=args.complexity_measure, caching=args.caching, persistent_caching=args.persistent_caching, simplify=args.simplify, chunk_size=args.chunk_size, multi_objective=args.multi_objective, send_symbolic=args.send_symbolic, reevaluate=args.re_evaluate, ) Individual.pset = pset mate = glyph.application.MateFactory.create(args, Individual) mutate = glyph.application.MutateFactory.create(args, Individual) select = glyph.application.SelectFactory.create(args) create_method = glyph.application.CreateFactory.create(args, Individual) mate, mutate, Individual.create = constrain( [mate, mutate, Individual.create], glyph.application.ConstraintsFactory.create(args), n_trials=args.constraints_n_retries, timeout=args.constraints_timeout, ) ndmate = partial(, cx1d=mate) ndmutate = partial(, mut1d=mutate) ndcreate = lambda size: [NDTree(create_method(args.ndim)) for _ in range(size)] NDTree.create_population = ndcreate algorithm_factory = partial( glyph.application.AlgorithmFactory.create, args, ndmate, ndmutate, select, ndcreate ) gp_runner = glyph.application.GPRunner(NDTree, algorithm_factory, assessment_runner) callbacks = glyph.application.DEFAULT_CALLBACKS + callbacks + make_callback(callback_factories, args) if args.send_meta_data: callbacks += (send_meta_data,) if args.animate: callbacks += (ProgressObserver(),) app = RemoteApp(args, gp_runner, args.checkpoint_file, callbacks=callbacks) bc = break_condition(ttl=args.ttl,, max_iter=args.max_iter_total, error_index=0) return app, bc, args
[docs]def log_info(args):"Glyph-remote. {get_version_info()}") logger.debug("Parameters:") print_params(logger.debug, vars(args))
[docs]def send_meta_data(app): com = metadata = dict(generation=app.gp_runner.step_count) com.send(dict(action=ExperimentProtocol.METADATA, payload=metadata)) logger.debug(com.recv())
[docs]def main(): app, bc, args = make_remote_app() log_info(args)
if __name__ == "__main__": main()