Source code for

import copy
import sys
import random
import itertools
import deap.algorithms

def _all_valid(population):
    """Checks if all individuals in a population have been evaluated"""
    return all( for ind in population)

def varOr(population, toolbox, lambda_, cxpb, mutpb):
    """Just a fixed version of deap.algorithm.varOr
    Reproduction needs cloning, so that fitness is not shared.
    Else the current implementation of AgeFitness will break.
    assert (cxpb + mutpb) <= 1.0, "The sum of the crossover and mutation probabilities must be smaller or equal to 1.0."

    offspring = []
    for _ in range(lambda_):
        op_choice = random.random()
        if op_choice < cxpb:            # Apply crossover
            ind1, ind2 = list(map(toolbox.clone, random.sample(population, 2)))
            ind1, ind2 = toolbox.mate(ind1, ind2)
        elif op_choice < cxpb + mutpb:  # Apply mutation
            ind = toolbox.clone(random.choice(population))
            ind, = toolbox.mutate(ind)
        else:                           # Apply reproduction

    return offspring

class MOGP(object):
    def __init__(self, mate_func, mutate_func, select):
        self.mate = mate_func
        self.mutate = mutate_func = select
        self.clone = copy.deepcopy
        self.crossover_prob = 0.7
        self.mutation_prob = 0.2
        self.tournament_size = 2
        self._initialized = False

    def evolve(self, population):
        if not _all_valid(population):
            raise RuntimeError('Cannot evolve on invalid fitness values in population.')
        if not self._initialized:
        parents =, self.parents_size)
        offspring = self._breed(parents)
        return parents[:] + offspring

    def _init(self, population):
        self.parents_size = len(population)
        self.offspring_size = len(population)
        self._initialized = True

    def _breed(self, parents):
        mating_pool =, self.offspring_size, self.tournament_size)
        return varOr(mating_pool, self, self.offspring_size, self.crossover_prob, self.mutation_prob)

[docs]class NSGA2(MOGP): """Implementation of the NSGA-II algorithm as described in Essentials of Metaheuristics""" def __init__(self, mate_func, mutate_func): super().__init__(mate_func, mutate_func,
[docs]class SPEA2(MOGP): """Implementation of the SPEA2 algorithm as described in Essentials of Metaheuristics""" def __init__(self, mate_func, mutate_func): super().__init__(mate_func, mutate_func,
[docs]class DeapEaSimple(object): """Basically a copy of `deap.algorithms.eaSimple` algorithm.""" def __init__(self, mate_func, mutate_func): self.mate = mate_func self.mutate = mutate_func self.clone = copy.deepcopy self.crossover_prob = 0.5 self.mutation_prob = 0.2 self.tournament_size = 2 self._initialized = False def _init(self, population): self.parents_size = len(population) self.offspring_size = len(population) self._initialized = True
[docs] def evolve(self, population): if not _all_valid(population): raise RuntimeError('Cannot evolve on invalid fitness values in population.') if not self._initialized: self._init(population) parents =, self.offspring_size, self.tournament_size) offspring = deap.algorithms.varAnd(parents, self, self.crossover_prob, self.mutation_prob) # Breeding. return population[:] + offspring
[docs]class AgeFitness(MOGP): """AgeFitness algorithm as described in Schmidt & Lipson. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4419-7747-2_8 """ def __init__(self, mate_func, mutate_func, select, create_func): super().__init__(mate_func, mutate_func, select) self.num_new_blood = 1 self.create = create_func def _init(self, population): super()._init(population) self.offspring_size -= self.num_new_blood self.n_obj = len(population[0].fitness.values)
[docs] def evolve(self, population): if not _all_valid(population): raise RuntimeError('Cannot evolve on invalid fitness values in population.') if not self._initialized: self._init(population) self._aging(population) parents =, self.parents_size)[:] offspring = self._breed(parents) self._remove_age_from_fitness(parents + offspring) return parents + offspring + self.create(self.num_new_blood)
def _remove_age_from_fitness(self, pop): for ind in pop: =[:self.n_obj] @staticmethod def _aging(population): for ind in population: ind.age = getattr(ind, "age", 0) + 1 = *, ind.age
def make_unique_version(obj): """Takes an algorithm class and creates a sublcass with a modified evolve method. The modified version will ensures uniqueness of individuals. """ uname = "U{}".format(obj.__name__) uobj = type(uname, (obj,), {}) def evolve(self, population): return list(set(super().evolve(population))) uobj.evlolve = evolve return uobj basic = (NSGA2, SPEA2, DeapEaSimple, AgeFitness) uniques = [] current_module = sys.modules[__name__] for alg in basic: ualg = make_unique_version(alg) setattr(current_module, ualg.__name__, ualg) # we need to create it in this submodules scope as well uniques.append(ualg) all_algorithms = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable([basic, uniques])) __all__ = [obj.__name__ for obj in all_algorithms]