Source code for glyph.utils.numeric

import functools
from collections import defaultdict

import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize

[docs]def rms(y): """Root mean square.""" return np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(y)))
[docs]def strict_subtract(x, y): try: if x.shape != y.shape: raise ValueError('operands could not be broadcast together with shapes {} {}'.format(x.shape, y.shape)) except AttributeError: pass return x - y
[docs]def rmse(x, y): """Root mean square error.""" return rms(strict_subtract(x, y))
[docs]def nrmse(x, y): """Normalized, with respect to x, root mean square error.""" diff = strict_subtract(x, y) return rms(diff) / (np.max(x) - np.min(x))
[docs]def cvrmse(x, y): """Coefficient of variation, with respect to x, of the rmse.""" diff = strict_subtract(x, y) return rms(diff) / np.mean(x)
[docs]def silent_numpy(func): @functools.wraps(func) def closure(*args, **kwargs): with np.errstate(all='ignore'): return func(*args, **kwargs) return closure
[docs]def hill_climb(fun, x0, args, precision=5, maxfev=100, directions=5, target=0, rng=np.random, **kwargs): """Stochastic hill climber for constant optimization. Try self.directions different solutions per iteration to select a new best individual. :param fun: function to optimize :param x0: initial guess :param args: additional arguments to pass to fun :param precision: maximum precision of x0 :param maxfev: maximum number of function calls before stopping :param directions: number of directions to explore before doing a hill climb step :param target: stop if fun(x) <= target :param rng: (seeded) random number generator :return: `scipy.optimize.OptimizeResult` """ res = scipy.optimize.OptimizeResult() def tweak(x): """ x = round(x + xi, p) with xi ~ N(0, sqrt(x)+10**(-p))""" return round(x+rng.normal(scale=np.sqrt(abs(x))+10**(-precision)), precision) def f(x): return fun(x, *args) x = x0 fx = f(x) it = 1 if len(x0) > 0: while fx >= target and it <= maxfev: memory = [(x, fx)] for j in range(directions): it += 1 xtweak = np.array([tweak(c) for c in x]) fxtweak = f(xtweak) memory.append((xtweak, fxtweak)) if fxtweak <= target: break x, fx = min(memory, key=lambda t: t[1]) res["x"] = x res["fun"] = fx res["success"] = True res["nfev"] = it return res
[docs]class SlowConversionTerminator: def __init__(self, method, step_size=10, min_stat=10, threshold=25): """Decorate a minimize method used in `scipy.optimize.minimize` to cancel non promising constant optimizations. The stopping criteria is based on the improvement rate :math:`\frac{\Delta f}[\Delta fev}`. If the improvement rate is below the :math:`q_{threshold}` quantile for a given number of function evaluations, optimization is stopped. :params method: see `scipy.optimize.minimize` method :params step_size: number of function evaluations betweem iterations :params min_stat: minimum sample size before stopping :params threshold: quantile """ self.method = method self.step_size = step_size self.min_stat = min_stat self.threshold = threshold self.memory = defaultdict(list) def __call__(self, fun, x0, args, **kwargs): maxfev = kwargs.get('maxfev', 1000*len(x0)) kw = kwargs.copy() kw["maxfev"] = self.step_size res = self.method(fun, x0, args, **kw) fx_base = x0 = res.x fev = self.step_size while fev <= maxfev - self.step_size: res = self.method(fun, x0, args, **kw) fev += res.nfev fx = x0 = res.x eps = (fx - fx_base) / fev self.memory[fev].append(eps) if len(self.memory[fev]) > self.min_stat: if eps < np.percentile(self.memory[fev], self.threshold): break return res